Transform electromagnetic waves and their constraints into added value for our customers.
NEXIO is also an Electromagnetism Design Office with several EMC and RADIO test laboratories based in Toulouse, Grenoble and Paris.
Operated by experienced consultants in the framework of punctual (daily) or integrated services, NEXIO laboratories allow to answer quickly to questions concerning :
- Understanding and characterization of EM phenomena
- Development and integration of RF functionalities
- Application of the 5 golden rules of EMC in design
- Anticipation of constraints and risks
- EMC and RADIO evaluation, development and pre-qualification
- Investigation and compliance
- CE marking and support for export markings (FCC,…)
When the missions entrusted involve support up to certification, NEXIO can count on privileged partnerships with a large number of notified laboratories in the automotive, aeronautics, space, military, railway, medical, industrial, IT, multimedia & telecom sectors,…
#ElectromagneticCompatibility #Lightning #ElectrostaticDischarges #ElectricalTransistors #SignalIntegrity #RadioFrequencies #RED #RadioElectricalCompatibility #NearField
Mesures normatives :
essais réalisés dans des conditions proches des conditions de certification mais dans des configurations optimisées.
Performance measurements, tuning and functional optimization :
caged and uncaged measurements to accompany electronic developments. In particular for those involving wireless links (validating antenna design, integrating and/or adjusting an RF circuit, characterizing performances, ...).
Nos plus :
Why choose us?
A double EMC and RADIO competence complemented by a double NORMATIVE and FUNCTIONAL competence relevant in a context where :
- More and more electronic products are incorporating RADIO functions.
- RADIO performance targets must not compromise EMC performance
- Compromises are needed to balance functional and normative
A powerful QCT :
- QUALITY: The right means, at the right time, meeting the right level of requirements.
- COST: The laboratories used allow the fairest prices to be charged.
- TIME : Another strong point of our offer, the laboratories used allow an optimum reactivity.
A high level of services :
- the means used by specialized test AND design consultants
- realistic recommendations / recommendations adapted to the project context
- an incremental approach to optimize strategy (and costs)
Use cases EMC / Radio / Lightning / ESD / near field services
- Understanding and analyzing design choices
- Analysis and interpretation of test results
- Additional measurements to confirm hypotheses / test solutions (in anechoic chamber and near-field scanner)
- Recommendations for corrections / improvements
- Adjustment and Validation of recommended solutions
- Drafting of associated technical documents
- Status report on the RADIO performance of a LoRa Europe device (868MHz)
- Analysis of the results with regard to the design choices (especially at the level of the RF front-end circuit)
- Search for antennas (& cables) adapted to Chinese (490MHz) and North American (915MHz) LoRa networks.
- Simulation of the 868MHz front-end circuit to adapt it to 490 and 915MHz applications.
- Optimization of the 2 antenna matching circuits by induct measurements
- Validation of the work by RADIO performance measurements
- RADIO measurements for the evaluation of a prototype in a duct and radiated environment
- Antenna matching dimensioning by simulation and optimization by measurements
- Understanding of HW design choices and recommendations for improvements to get closer to the functional performance objectives.
- Study of the RF chip used to support the SW team in the parameterization of the RADIO functionalities.
- Identification of the EMC/Radio tests to be carried out throughout the project (functional & normative) and their conditions/specifications/objectives
- Definitions of hardware and software requirements for test campaigns (mechanical support, phantom fluid, test software, …)
- Writing of a qualification plan (tests, operating modes, fault criteria, control method and tools, …)
- Verification/validation measures prior to certification campaigns
- Modeling an antenna
- Simulation with Ansys HFSS software
- Calculation of the radiation pattern
- Parametric study to define the optimal configuration
- Radiation pattern measurement in anechoic chamber on prototype
- Choice of guidelines/standards
- Pre-qualification tests
- Investigations by near-field measurements
- Recommendations
- Qualification tests “CE Marking”
Les laboratoires NEXIO :
NEXIO has testing facilities and EMC and Radio laboratories…
In order to guarantee a maximum level of support, NEXIO relies on a multitude of test facilities and a large panel of measuring instruments (its own or partners’ resources). Deployed on all its French sites, this allows NEXIO to cover a wide range of needs:
Test areas :
- Semi-anechoic chamber
- Near-field scanner
- On tables / Floor plans
- Cells (coaxial, triaxial, TEM)
EMC testing :
- Radiated emission and ”classical” driving
- Near-field radiated emission (amplitude and vectorial)
- Radiated immunity and ”classic” drive
- Near-field radiated immunity
- Immunity to electrical transients
- Immunity to electrostatic discharges
RADIO tests :
- Spurious
- Transmitted power (EIRP)
- Sensitivity
- Frequency hopping and frequency blocking
- Spectral occupation
Exposure tests :
- SAR measurements (Specific Absorption Rate)
EMF (ElectroMagnetic Field) measurements - EM characterization tests / measurements :
- Radiation pattern diagram of single or integrated antennas (power, efficiency, gain)
- Parameters S
- Impedances
- Mitigation and Shielding Effectiveness (cables, materials)
- Transfer impedance
- Dielectric strength / Continuity
- Propagation time
- Reflection coefficient
- Coefficient of quality of magnetic materials
- Permittivity / Permeability